Coloring page of a gopher floating on a lilo in a cute swimming pool

Coloring page of a gopher floating on a lilo in a cute swimming pool

Coloring page of a gopher floating on a lilo in a cute swimming pool

Get ready to color a fun scene with a gopher floating on a lilo in a cute swimming pool!

Let your creativity flow with these ideas!

Imagine what other pool toys the gopher might enjoy playing with.

Draw a sunny sky with fluffy clouds above the swimming pool.

Join in the gopher’s pool fun!

What fun activity do you think the gopher will do next after swimming?

Surprising gopher fact!

Gophers are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath for several minutes underwater!

Discover more about the gopher’s pool adventure!

Gophers are small, furry animals that love to dig tunnels underground. In this coloring page, our gopher friend is taking a relaxing float on a colorful lilo in a pool.

The gopher has whiskers and soft fur. The lilo is brightly colored, and the swimming pool has cool blue water.

Gophers are great at digging and can create vast networks of underground tunnels. They also have pouches in their cheeks to carry food.

Take action and dive into more fun!

Share your colorful masterpiece with family and friends or explore more about gophers and pool adventures!