Coloring page of a Cartoon Gopher Astronaut Floating in Space

Coloring page of a Cartoon Gopher Astronaut Floating in Space

Coloring page of a Cartoon Gopher Astronaut Floating in Space

Join the adventure of a gopher astronaut exploring space with twinkling stars all around!

Let Your Imagination Soar!

Imagine what kind of spaceship the gopher astronaut is exploring in space.

Draw a planet nearby that the gopher astronaut might want to land on.

Join the Space Mission!

What would you name the gopher astronaut’s space mission? Share your creative name with us!

Space Discovery!

In space, there are shooting stars that streak across the sky. If the gopher astronaut sees one, it may make a wish for a successful intergalactic journey!

Discover the Space Adventures of the Gopher Astronaut!

Did you know that gophers are excellent diggers known for creating elaborate underground burrow systems? Imagine this gopher now donning a spacesuit and floating among the stars in the vast universe.

This gopher astronaut is wearing a shiny suit equipped with a helmet to shield it in the vacuum of space. Its tiny paws are holding onto a spaceship handle as it drifts weightlessly.

Gophers are clever creatures that have pouches in their cheeks to carry food. In space, this gopher relies on its sharp sense of direction to navigate among the stars.

Explore More Space Adventures!

Share your colorful creation of the gopher astronaut with your friends or learn more about space travel and the incredible universe out there!