Get ready to color an adorable frog selling lemonade on a bright, sunny day!
Let Your Imagination Soar with These Creative Prompts
What fruits would the frog use to make different flavored lemonades?
Draw a line of eager animal customers waiting to buy lemonade from the frog.
Join the Fun – Name the Frog’s Lemonade Stand!
What do you think the frog named its lemonade stand? Write the name on the stand sign.
Fascinating Frog Fact
Did you know that frogs use their eyes to help them swallow food? They retract their eyes into their head to help push the food down their throat!
Discover Fun Facts and Features of the Whimsical Frog Lemonade Stand
Imagine a friendly frog joyfully hopping around, selling refreshing lemonade to its woodland friends. The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and everything feels magical.
This frog is wearing a cute apron and a big smile while pouring delicious lemonade into cups for customers.
Frogs have sticky tongues to catch insects, and some frogs can even change color to blend in with their environment.
Take Action and Share Your Creativity!
Share your colorful masterpiece with friends or research more about frogs and their habitats!