Get ready to color a speedy raven racing in a cool race car!
Spark Your Imagination
What other racing accessories can you add to the scene? How about a racing helmet or a trophy?
Design a unique racing track for the raven and its car. Will it have twists, jumps, or tunnels?
Engage with the Raven’s Adventure
Can you make up a story about why the raven is in a race car? Write it down or tell a friend!
Fun Fact About Ravens
Did you know ravens can solve puzzles to get food? They are one of the smartest birds in the world!
Discover the Raven in a Race Car
Ravens are known for their intelligence and black feathers. Imagine a clever raven having a blast racing a colorful car around a track.
This raven is not just flying but zooming on four wheels! The race car is decorated with checkered flags, making it stand out.
Ravens are excellent problem-solvers and can mimic sounds. Race cars can go super fast, sometimes over 200 miles per hour!
Explore and Share
Share your colorful masterpiece with friends or learn more about ravens and race cars!