Coloring page of a playful penguin hopping on an iceberg

Coloring page of a playful penguin hopping on an iceberg

Coloring page of a playful penguin hopping on an iceberg

Join this adorable penguin as it hops and plays on an icy adventure!

Get Creative with Your Coloring

Imagine a snowy backdrop with fish jumping out of the water near the iceberg.

Add some friendly seals clapping for the penguin’s hopscotch skills.

Join the Fun with Drawing!

Can you draw some fish in the water for the penguin to catch after playing hopscotch?

Fascinating Penguin Fact

Did you know penguins have a special gland near their tails that removes excess salt from the fish they eat?

Discover Fun Facts About Penguins

Penguins are amazing birds that love to swim and hop around! They have special feathers to keep them warm in cold places like icebergs.

This penguin has cute, webbed feet for swimming and jumping. It’s balancing on one foot and looks super happy!

Penguins slide on their bellies, called tobogganing, to move quickly on ice. They also waddle on land but are excellent swimmers.

Take Action and Share Your Art

Share your colorful penguin masterpiece with friends or learn more about penguins in the Arctic!