Coloring page of a playful hyena napping in a hammock between palm trees

Coloring page of a playful hyena napping in a hammock between palm trees

Coloring page of a playful hyena napping in a hammock between palm trees

Get ready to bring this sleepy hyena in a hammock to life with your colors!

Spark your creativity

Imagine a sunny beach scene around the hammock. What else would you add?

Think about what the hyena might be dreaming about while napping in the hammock.

Engage with the playful hyena in a hammock

What sounds do you think the palm trees make as the hyena naps? Draw the sounds!

Fun Fact about Hyenas

Did you know that hyenas are excellent hunters and can run as fast as 37 miles per hour?

Discover more about the playful hyena in a hammock

Hyenas are known for their laughter-like sounds. They love to relax in the shade of trees. This hyena found the perfect spot for a cozy nap in a hammock between two swaying palm trees.

The hyena’s furry coat and mischievous eyes give it a unique look. The hammock gently rocking between the tall palm trees adds a tropical touch to the scene.

Hyenas have strong jaws that can crush bones easily. Despite their fierce reputation, they also enjoy lounging and resting in the sun.

Share and Explore

After coloring, why not share your masterpiece with your friends or learn more about hyenas’ habitats and behaviors?