Get ready to color a special peacock who works as a postman! How exciting!
Spark Your Imagination
What special deliveries do you think the peacock postman is carrying today?
Draw a background scene showing the peacock postman’s post office.
Let Your Creativity Soar
Can you write a short letter that the peacock postman might be delivering?
Fascinating Peacock Fact
Did you know that peacocks can eat poisonous snakes without being affected? They are truly remarkable birds!
Discover the Colorful World of a Peacock Postman
Peacocks are known for their colorful feathers and beauty. Imagine a peacock wearing a postman uniform, carrying letters and packages to deliver to your friends.
This peacock postman has a long, beautiful tail that fans out in vibrant colors. He wears a cute postman hat and carries a bag full of letters.
Peacocks are the male birds known for their iridescent tails that can be fanned out to impress the females. They are also excellent runners and can fly short distances.
Spread the Joy of Coloring
Share your colored peacock postman with your friends or explore more about peacocks and mail delivery.