Join the cute lion and its friends as they roast marshmallows over a campfire. What colors will you use to make this scene come to life?
Get Creative with Your Coloring
Think of a cool name for the lion in the coloring page.
Draw a starry night sky above the campfire scene.
Let Your Imagination Run Wild
What other foods would you imagine the lion and its friends roasting over the campfire? Write or draw your ideas.
Fun Lion Fact
Lions can run at 50 miles per hour for short distances. That’s as fast as a car on the highway!
Discover More about Lions and Campfires
Lions usually live in groups called prides. They have a special way of communicating with each other through roaring. When lions are happy and relaxed, they enjoy spending time together, just like friends around a campfire.
The lion’s mane, the crackling campfire, and the delicious marshmallows are some fun elements in this coloring page.
Did you know that lions can sleep up to 20 hours a day? They need all that rest to have energy for hunting and playing with their friends.
Share Your Artistic Creations
After coloring, share your masterpiece with your friends or try making real s’mores with an adult’s help.