Get ready to add colors to a cheerful gorilla waving hello with a big smile!
Let your creativity flow
Imagine what color the gorilla’s fur could be. Will it be brown like in the wild or maybe pink or blue?
Think about drawing some colorful flowers around the gorilla to create a happy jungle scene.
Let’s have some fun together
Can you make up a story about why the gorilla is waving? Share it with a friend or family member!
Gorilla Fun Fact
Gorillas share 98% of their DNA with humans, making them our close relatives in the animal kingdom!
Discover more about gorillas
Gorillas are strong and intelligent apes that live in forests. They are usually peaceful animals and live together in groups called troops.
This gorilla is drawn in a cute and minimalist style, making it perfect for coloring and decorating just the way you like.
Gorillas use gestures to communicate with each other, like waving, hugging, or clapping their hands to show affection.
Take action and explore
After coloring, why not display your artwork proudly or learn more about gorillas and their habitats?