Get ready to color a cheerful chimpanzee enjoying a birthday party! What colors will you use to make this scene come to life?
Spark Your Imagination
Imagine what flavor the birthday cake is and how the balloons look!
Add more friends to the party like monkeys or birds.
Join the Party
Do you think the chimpanzee is excited for their birthday? Share a story about why this celebration is special for them.
Fun Fact About Chimpanzees
Chimpanzees use tools like sticks to fish for termites to eat! They are smart problem solvers in the animal kingdom.
Discover More About Playful Chimpanzees
Chimpanzees are playful and intelligent animals that live in forests. They love to swing from trees and are known for their curious nature.
This cute cartoon chimpanzee is happily blowing out candles on a colorful birthday cake surrounded by balloons and gifts.
Chimpanzees have a great memory and can learn to use tools. They communicate with each other through sounds, gestures, and facial expressions.
Share Your Art and Learn More
After coloring, show off your colorful masterpiece to your friends or explore more about chimpanzees in the wild!