Coloring page of a cute penguin making snow angels in a snowy playground

Coloring page of a cute penguin making snow angels in a snowy playground

Coloring page of a cute penguin making snow angels in a snowy playground

Get ready to color a delightful scene of a penguin having fun in the snow!

Spark Your Imagination

Imagine what other winter activities the penguins could be doing in the playground.

Add some snowflakes falling from the sky to create a magical winter scene.

Join the Winter Fun

What other animals would you add to this snowy playground to join the penguins in their winter fun?

Fun Penguin Fact

Penguins have a special gland near their tails that helps them stay waterproof while swimming in icy waters.

Explore the Snowy Penguin Playground

Penguins love playing in the snow. They are expert swimmers and enjoy sliding on their bellies. In this coloring page, you will see a cute penguin making snow angels with its friends in a snowy playground.

The penguins in this scene are wearing colorful scarves and hats to keep warm while having winter fun.

Did you know that penguins can’t fly, but they are excellent swimmers? They use their flippers to ‘fly’ underwater!

Color, Share, and Explore

Share your colorful penguin masterpiece with your friends or learn more about these adorable birds!