Coloring page of a cute ostrich dressed in a raincoat and rain boots

Coloring page of a cute ostrich dressed in a raincoat and rain boots

Coloring page of a cute ostrich dressed in a raincoat and rain boots

Get ready to bring colors to a cute ostrich having fun in the rain! What do you think this ostrich is up to?

Imaginative Coloring Prompts

Imagine what color the ostrich’s raincoat and boots could be. Get creative!

Draw some raindrops splashing around the ostrich to complete the rainy scene.

Interactive Rainy Day Fun

What sound do you think the rain makes when it falls on the umbrella? Can you make that sound?

Amazing Ostrich Fact

Ostriches have the biggest eyes of all land animals, even bigger than their brains!

Fun Facts about Ostriches

Ostriches are the largest birds in the world. They are known for their long necks and legs. Ostriches are flightless birds but they can run really fast!

This ostrich is wearing a raincoat and rain boots, jumping in puddles with an umbrella which is a funny sight to see!

Did you know that ostriches can roar like lions? They also have the largest eyes of any land animal!

Spread the Coloring Joy

Share your colorful creation with a friend and ask them to join in on the coloring fun!