Get ready to color a cool scene of a rooster riding a skateboard down a country path!
Spark Your Imagination
Imagine what other animals the rooster might meet on its skateboarding journey.
Draw some fun tricks the rooster could do on the skateboard.
Let’s Imagine Together
Which trick do you think the rooster enjoys the most while skateboarding?
Rooster Fun Fact
Did you know that roosters can run up to 9 miles per hour? This rooster must be breaking that record with its skateboard skills!
Learn More About the Skateboarding Rooster
Imagine a funny rooster with colorful feathers balancing on a skateboard. This rooster loves adventure! It’s speeding down a winding country path with trees and flowers on either side.
The rooster is wearing sunglasses and a tiny helmet while zooming on the skateboard. It’s a hilarious sight!
Roosters are known for their loud crowing at dawn to greet the day. Skateboarding roosters might be rare, but this one surely knows how to have fun!
Stay Creative with Your Artwork
After coloring the rooster skateboarder, share it with your friends or try creating a story about its skateboarding adventures!